"If you are in pain when you come into our office, the primary goal is to help you feel better."

New Patients

Convenience and comfort are important when researching chiropractors, that's why it is our goal to offer state-of-the-art chiropractic care in a comfortable surrounding, and convenient location. Upon entering our office, you will be welcomed as a member of our family. Patient forms will need to be completed to provide Dr. Kirkendall with information on your current condition as well as your health history. Download the forms here or fill them out at the time of your visit.

Dr. Lennon Kirkendall will talk with you and discuss your health-related problems, listen to concerns you may have, and answer any questions. She will then perform a complete chiropractic examination, which may include standard neurological, orthopedic, postural, and physical tests tailored to your specific health-related problems. Depending on your specific condition, we may take X-rays as well. X-rays are taken for several reasons:
- To determine the condition of the disc space
(the space between the vertebrae in your spine)
- To determine the phase of degeneration
- To locate potential problem areas and misalignments
- To rule out other pathologies (diseases)

X-rays also help us develop the most effective treatment plan for you. To see is to know! Not to see is to guess. We do not want to guess when it comes to your health. Nothing will be done in our office without your consent.

Once the information is collected and examinations are performed, Dr. Kirkendall will review the x-rays with you and explain all of the findings as well as answer any questions you may have including how she can help you, the frequency of care recommended, or activities and exercises to improve your daily routine. She will also discuss the best treatment options for your individual needs.

If you are in pain when you come into our office, the primary goal is to help you feel better. Treatment may include spinal adjustments, physical therapy, and/or soft tissue massage. Dr. Kirkendall uses a number of highly-effective adjusting approaches to help improve spinal biomechanics and reduce nervous system interference. The approach she uses is based on her clinical judgment and years of experience. Treatment is interactive, so you can express concerns about the different styles of treatment anytime.

Stages of Care:

Most people start treatment at the initial, intensive care phase when you have obvious symptoms (PAIN) and nervous system dysfunction. In the beginning, visits may be frequent depending on your condition. The primary goal during this time is to reduce your pain and other symptoms.

If you simply "patch" your problem by seeking care only at times when you are in pain and stopping as soon as you feel better, you are at risk of relapse. During the corrective care phase, muscles and other tissues are allowed to heal more completely, thereby helping prevent injury. Frequency of visits is usually decreased at this stage. As you continue to improve, exercises or stretches or other self-care activities may be recommended to complete at home.

Once you are feeling better and your body has fully healed, we encourage you to come in for periodic adjustments to avoid problems in the future. Usually, this only requires a quick visit to the chiropractor once or twice a month, based on your lifestyle and goals. Wellness care is important to help prevent spinal decay and maintain optimum health.

Our Office Hours

Monday - Thursday
9:00am to 6:00pm

9:30am to 1:00pm

Schedule an Appointment

Scheduling an appointment is easy. Please give us a call, or fill out our online form.

Phone: 918.283.4355
Request an Appointment Form

New Patient?

You can click, print and fill out the paperwork prior to your first appointment.

New Patient Form

Interactive 3D Spine